Billionaires, Happiness Junkies, and Dreamers

8 Mar

I am a dreamer……

I have been a dreamer my entire life. I have always had big ideas swirling around in my head.

My dreams now are still wild, but a bit more realistic.

My dreams now are my current manifestation wish list.

My dreams now include me thanking the universe in advance for them happening in my life.

I sat on the sofa this morning with pain medication running through my body. I had the heating pad wrapped around my jaw. The heat from the pad was scorching my skin, but I dare not remove it. I was convinced of its healing powers and the magical effect it would have on taking away my pain.

Yes, it was 7am and Good Morning America was about to start. I love this show and never get to watch it, I typically lose out to Sesame Street or Super Why. I am so glad I tuned in today. I needed a little bit of inspiration, and I got it.

Most of you have heard of the stocking company Spanx. Many of you own them or hope to own a pair one day. They make your tush look great,  and they make your body look amazing under those white pants that you wouldn’t dream of ever wearing.

Sara Blakely, Founder & Owner of Spanx is 41 years old and started her company 12 years ago at the they ripe age of 29. Sara came up with the idea and took her life savings a whopping $5,000 to start the company.

Fast forward 12 years and Sara Blakely has just been added to the Forbes Billionaire list. HELLO DREAMERS OF THE WORLD.

This story is not inspiring to me because she is a BILLIONAIRE.

It is inspiring to me because it reminds me that ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE IN THIS WORLD.

It reminds me that if I do what I love, what inspires me, and what makes my heart overflow with love then I too shall see success.

I find that success looks very different for me today than it did 10 years ago, heck it looks different from it did even 5 years ago.

I am a visionary.

I am a dreamer.

I am a happiness junkie.

I am a billionaire(I am rich with soul.)

I sat at the dinner table with my family tonight. I looked at my husband and said the following words to him,

“I have a son with a horribly painful and incurable condition, we have a ton of stress in our lives, and we have had some really terrible stuff occur in our lives in the last few years. The incredible thing is that I have never been as happy in my life as I am right now.”

It is mind-blowing even to me. I make it a practice every single day to find happiness. After a some time it just became a part of me. Happiness lives inside of me now. My relationship with happiness is completely different than what it used to be.

It used to be just fleeting moments of happiness that I would cling to, just  like lint clings to your favorite pair of black pants.

At first I was actually uncomfortable with happiness. It didn’t feel right, it didn’t fit. I had become accustomed to living in chaos and stress, that is what felt right. That inner turmoil was like your favorite sweater. I have officially donated that sweater and moved on.

I watched the amazing Sara, owner of Spanx, on Good Morning America and  I thought to myself I really can see my dreams.

I see a future where I am successful. I have a successful and functioning family. I have a successful career. I am surrounded by people who I love, people who inspire me and bring joy to the world. I see a future with financial freedom, one where money no longer is a stress trigger.

I am  obsessed with Lord Ganesha a Hindu Deity.

Although he is known by many other attributes, Ganesha’s elephant head makes him particularly easy to identify. Ganesha is widely revered as the Remover of Obstacles[10] and more generally as Lord of Beginnings and Lord of Obstaclespatron of arts and sciences, and the deva of intellect and wisdom.He is honoured at the beginning of rituals and ceremonies and invoked as Patron of Letters during writing sessions.

I feel as if in some way he is always by my side. I was one who was easily overcome by my obstacles, now I seem to manage a way around them or rid myself of them completely. I truly feel as if he is guiding me on my path.

I love the idea of removing obstacles. I love the idea of new beginnings.

Every moment is a new beginning. Every moment we inhabit a new part of ourselves and a new opportunity for something different. This is what keeps me going every day. This is what has brought me to this profoundly calm, grateful, joyful, and abundant state I am in life right now.

Here are my 3 words. Here I am. This is me.

4 Responses to “Billionaires, Happiness Junkies, and Dreamers”

  1. barbarapotter March 8, 2012 at 7:53 pm #

    You rock girl. Keep thanking in advance because they are already in progress.

  2. James Vincent Knowles March 8, 2012 at 9:36 pm #

    You’re amazingly strong, Rachel. Such positivity is inspiring and encouraging~! wow.


  1. dreamers, critics, and realists « JRFibonacci's blog: partnering with reality - April 20, 2012

    […] Billionaires, Happiness Junkies, and Dreamers ( […]

  2. Who’s life is this ? « My Manic Moments - April 27, 2012

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